Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Meet Helga

I'm going to tell you all about a special friend today. My special friend's name is Helga. Helga is a little self-conscious so I really had to beg her to post some videos for you all today. Whatever you do, do NOT make fun of Helga or she will never come back to my blog. Ever. Helga was born on April 1 and she would like to share her very first video at this time...

Helga has several videos but today, you will only see 3. Perhaps, if you're lucky, she will share more in the future.

Next up, we have Helga enjoying some home-made blueberry icecream. Don't judge her.

Finally, Helga would like to apologize to Susan Kopel. They have been best friends for a long time and she is so ashamed of what she has done. Helga is truly sorry.

I hope y'all get to know Helga even better in the future. As long as you're nice to her, I'm sure you will. Helga loves you all. Helga says goodbye.


  1. Susan says THANKS! It was perfect.

    Emily says: I just laughed out loud at work. So thanks for this.

    This is exactly why we are best friends, and why Helga and Susan are best friends too.

  2. helga makes me miss pt15.

  3. Craig's reaction: "That's not going to help her get a job."

